Recent News


  • The Yarger Lab is combining forces with the Angell Lab.  The Yarger Angell Group (YAG) was originally formed in 2005 when Prof. Angell allowed Prof. Yarger and his research group to share lab space and an administrative assistant while the Magnetic Resonance Research Center and ISTB1 was still being contructed.  For 2 years the YAG group was located on the 2nd floor B-Wing of Physical Sciences at ASU-Tempe Campus.  This was a very productive time for Prof. Yarger and Angell to collaborate on amorphous and liquid physical chemistry projects.  In 2006/2007 ISTB1 opened and Prof. Yarger moved his group to ISTB1 and focus moved to design of the Magnetic Resonance Research Center at ASU.  Now in 2019, with renovations requiring Prof. Angell to move out of the 2nd floor B-Wing of Physical Sciences, we will once again combine labs and the renewal of the Yarger Angell Group (YAG) will be on the 4th floor and L2 levels of ISTB1.  Some publications that have come out of the YAG collaboration are listed below:​​​​​​​
    • Bhat, M.H.; Molinero, V.; Soignard, E.; Solomon, V.C.; Sastry, S.; Yarger, J.L.; and Angell, C.A., Vitrification of a Monatomic Metallic Liquid. Nature 448, 787-791 (2007). [DOI: 10.1038/nature06044]

    • Hasani, Mohammad; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Angell, Austen, C.; On the Use of a Protic Ionic Liquid with a Novel Cation to Study Anion Basicity. Chemistry: A European Journal 22, 13312-13319 (2016). [DOI: 10.1002/chem.201601428]

    • Davidowski, Stephen K.; Thompson, Forrest; Huang, Wei; Hasani, Mohammad; Amin, Samrat A.; Angell, Austen, C.; and Yarger, Jeffery L.; NMR Characterization of Ionicity and Transport Properties for a Series of Diethylmethlamine Based Protic Ionic Liquids. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120, 4279-4285 (2016). [DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b01203]

    • Ansari, Y.; Tucker, T. G.; Huang, W.; Klein, I. S.; Lee, S. Y.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Angell, C. A.; A Flexible All-Inorganic Fuel Cell Membrane with Conductivity above Nafion, and Durable Operation at 150 Degrees C. Journal of Power Sources 303, 142-149 (2016). [DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.10.034]

    • Huang, W.; Angell, A.; Yarger, Jeffery L.; Richert, R., Measurement of Conductivity and Permittivity of Samples Sealed in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tubes. Review of Scientific Instrumentation 84, 073906 (2013). [DOI: 10.1063/1.4816134]

    • Solomon, V.C.; Bhat, M.H.; Molinero, V.; Soignard, E.; Sastry, S.; Yarger, J.L.; and Angell, C.A., Electron Microscopy Study of Germanium Glass Vitrified by High Pressure Melt Quench. Microscopy and Microanalysis 14(suppl 2), 1138-1139 (2008). [DOI: 10.1038/nature06044]


  • Several reviews and news articles have recently come out about the Yarger Lab's work in spider silk and related biopolymers.

MMolecular Sciences Research

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